A Tale of Medieval Reenactment The Soundtrack
These tracks are especially composed to evoke the supernatural undertones of the storyline, enhancing the reader's appreciation of the novel by creating an more immersive, movie-like experience. The following songs from established artists either directly reference the narrative or would, if the novel received Hollywood treatment, be considered for inclusion in the soundtrack.
'Swords of a Thousand Men', by Tenpole Tudor, is a favourite of supporting character, Simon Cressing. Simon, a squire of 'The House of Alderford', collectively the heroes of the piece, finds the track invaluable for getting into battle mode.
'Red Demon Rage' - the title track describes the volatile temperament of Nicholas Maiden, leader of notorious biker gang; 'The Plague'. Maiden the lead villain of the piece, fightings a losing battle against an uncontrollable and violent temper capable of driving him to unspeakable deeds. The following two tracks, 'Soul Denied' and 'The Viking Song' are tunes performed by one of the supporting characters, Spider, a gifted troubadour, with the voice of an angel but who is as shady and as unscrupulous as the other members The Plague. 'Begin Again', a more upbeat tune, is an incidental piece which attempts to create the sense of a lost and tormented soul in search of answers. 'Vicious Tattoo' describes the ancient and evil entity at the root of the tale. Long lived and bitter, it remains repressed until the story's climactic finale when it attempts to wreak a hateful revenge upon a world which dealt it much cruelty in life. Words & music by Paul Watts
The Queen classic 'We Are the Champions' is featured when a chorus of drunken reenactors substitute the word 'Champions' for 'Lancastrian' during a night of drunken revelry at a village pub.
'Solsbury Hill' by Peter Gabriel - This uplifting & spiritual song would, if 'Tin Men' ever got the Hollywood treatment, be the soundtrack of the final chapter, as two bikers ride through the powerful and inspiring landscape that is the Grand Canyon